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Virtual Oasis, and bleak future-Ohio slums where actual bodies reside
Are the two worlds here. Some real clunkiness in the screenplay aside,
So much here's genuinely funny and clever.
I could watch Rylance’s Halliday forever,
Loved the audacious set pieces, and embraced this thrilling ride.


Nebraskan Safraneks (Audrey and Paul)
Are slated for a new life as Small.
Interesting concepts, but executed
In a way that often diluted
Potential depth. Plot ideas: too much sprawl.


Original, high-concept premise: a great start, But in the latter stages, it all falls apart. An ultra-swift Tonal shift Just doesn't work. (But Hathaway's great: the film's heart).


So here's a bunch of smart, pretty people in space, On the ISS (cue co-operating human race). But these characters had me surprised At some actions (ill-advised), In this quite ridiculous, but scary / fun survival-chase.


A mystery dozen arrive, and answers are sought. Across the world: situations most fraught. Profound moments. Super-tense. Adams' talent: it's immense. Lessons (communication; time) beautifully taught.


Superhero tale (the old good-versus-bad battle waging) Led by Rudd's Lang (an ex-crim so affable and engaging). The ride is fun. Biggest technical stun: Douglas' amazing transformation (flawless de-aging).


Interesting core premise that had so much potential To explore the science and philosophy (existential) In its story execution. But the plot (and resolution) Are a mess (High stakes? Well, they felt inconsequential).


Glazer mixes Species & Kubrick,
With Scarlett doing an alien Posh Spice schtick,
Hard work with some reward,
Film critics have adored,
This confusing but alluring sci-fi flick.


The first fifteen minutes made a great impact,
But after that the film really lacked
The pull to keep me engaged.
Weak script left actors upstaged
By the creatures and the destruction they enact.


Qohen's existential angst leaves him terminally tormented,
And those around him just think he's demented.
Filmic strangeness and chaos at play:
Unfortunately, not in a good way.
Frustrating to watch (my patience tried, and dented).


Tech's dichotomy: humanity is losing and gaining.
An interesting struggle, though story logic takes a caning.
Yes, it was clearly a mess,
But I really must confess:
I still found it quite compelling and entertaining.


Foster's not at her best, but Damon's strong.
The folks on Earth have been underdogs too long,
While on Elysium life is breezy.
And though some lines are cheesy ...