Here's a true story from the world of aviation That escalated to a love triangle situation. This dramatic retelling Is extremely compelling, With a great mix of footage, interviews and narration.
...Here's a true story from the world of aviation That escalated to a love triangle situation. This dramatic retelling Is extremely compelling, With a great mix of footage, interviews and narration.
...Gorgeous animation, full of joy and light. Heart-bursting wonder (both sound and sight). Siblings follow a song In a story that's strong. This Irish gem is an absolute delight.
...Family dealing with past trauma, horror and hurt. It's made worse when the evil perpetrators assert: 'It's not my fault ...
Mini: Seventies teenager from San Fran In a 'relationship' with her mom's man. Powley's work is great As we see Mini navigate Complex issues the best that she can.
...Straight-talking, tireless, resilient Brenda: Helping abuse-sufferers hear something tender. When these women feel zero, She's their supportive hero. Moving doco about a genuine life-mender.
...As a tiny child, Seymour caught the music bug. Inauthenticity and wankery just make him shrug. This doco's so joy-packed. You may find, in fact That you'll want to give this wise, delightful man a hug.
...Gripping story (after Ibsen's famous play). A long-held secret. Now a family could pay. Terrific work all round. The drama: tightly wound ...
Extraordinary insight into another tragic war. Each faction wants to settle a score. When things get dangerous (gravely), Ware keeps filming (bravely) An important doco (with disturbing death and gore).
...Detailed look at the tech king (quite a blasting). Exploring the dissonance, re his traits contrasting: One one hand: a tech saviour, Then there's that bad behaviour. Either way, it seems his legacy will be lasting.
...Alan (straight outta Central Casting!) Wants his boys to have a career that's lasting. This doco's a real delight. The band's future looks bright, As their emerging talent keeps blasting.
...Gym-owner Trevor is such an earnest guy. Danny (who's burdened by cash) starts to try Training wit Kat ...
At nature's mercy grandpa and granddaughter stood On this little island and made a home of wood. Their hard work: uncompromising. The film is utterly mesmerising: Gorgeously slow, stunning and ridiculously good.
...The cinematography and production/costume designs Are gorgeous, but none of it aligns With the dull charaterisations (Feeling disconnected from their locations). Sadly this undermines the visuals (where it shines).
...Beautiful jazz made young Amy feel lest lost. A women of talent (who the press would accost). What she loved was song. So many did her wrong. Moving story of unwanted fame, and its cost.
...Whether you're a seasoned cinephile or Fest beginner, If you'd forfeited 12 nights of sleep and dinner You would have seen A magnificent selection on screen! (The Jury chose Arabian Nights as winner)
...For fifteen years Tim and John were bound And didn't care if the bigots frowned. The tears were truly welling Watching this heartbreaking telling Of a deep love that was enduring and profound.
...Distressing doco about a situation most alarming: Radical militants teaching hate and arming Kids (so malleable when young). And there's heroes being sung Who reject this brainwashing that's so tragically harming.
...Appealing doco re bloggers who are most conscientious About seeking out restaurants that by consensus Michelin grated at least one star. They'll travel extremely far. Look out for one who is particularly pretentious!
...For Will, a new phase of life begins When Charlie (the mother of his twins) Leaves him for Gary And thinks 'Should we marry'? In this sweet film (which causes many grins).