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Ian’s nervous; lacks confidence; gets stressed.
He’s heard tell his late dad was the best.
Conjuring skills: a bit shoddy …
(Oops! Only half a body)
Brothers bond on an exciting adventure quest.


One plus: the animals are expertly rendered.
But sadly the tale of adult CR (who’d surrendered
To a life with joys that are few)
And the re-introduction of his youth’s crew
Is overall quite drab, bland & sluggish. Not recommended.


Demise of their nemesis McGregor (grumpy sod)
Spells momentary freedom for this animal squad.
Creature effects: beautifully-rendered.
But various tonal shifts tended
To feel somewhat awkward (and came across as odd).


Judy (daughter of breeders most prolific) Has a dream that's quite specific. Beautiful lessons about diversity And about overcoming adversity. Highlight: Bateman, who's really quite terrific.
