A family with hardships, living off the yields Of gorgeously shot Scottish fields. The film's rich and soulful. Deyn's terrific. Situation: doleful, But stoicism and resilience are Chris' shields.
...A family with hardships, living off the yields Of gorgeously shot Scottish fields. The film's rich and soulful. Deyn's terrific. Situation: doleful, But stoicism and resilience are Chris' shields.
...Aussie doco looking at body image: the shaming, Low self-esteem, bullying and blaming ...
Despite a talented cast and visual work that's often strong, Many elements don't work (and just feel wrong). Quite a few scenes are a mess: Unfocused, lacking finesse. Some tangents not explored, and other parts drag on too long.
...Period comedy: Stillman (Whit), after Austen (Jane). Lady Susan has plans (and much to gain). Of financial security she's dreaming. It's lots of fun to watch her scheming ...
So Weiner accidentally tweeted out his junk. His initial dilemma: admit or try to debunk? The hubris: often stunning. A fascinating insight into running A campaign when the candidate could get sunk.
...Tough neighbourhood: Two new girls move in. Soon Leah's life goes into spin. Repetitive whining, fucking and scoring Actually gets pretty boring When the rest of the film's pretty thin.
...Owen: unable to communicate with his fam. Then a Disney revelation, and WHAM! ...
For young Conor, life's not so grand, Then he and the lads start a band ...
Teenage Greta's moved to a new 'hood, And things just don't feel as they should. Eccentricity's embraced, In this film (whimsy-laced). Production design and wardrobe: so good!
...Jesus, scraping by with his hairstyling art, Then an opportunity might afford a new start: A transformation to Viva (An apprentice diva). This Cuban-set Irish film has a lot of heart.
...Desperate people, with no option but to flee Their homes, and risk the dangerous trip at sea. Some escaping ISIS, It's a humanitarian crisis. Heartbreaking doco: humans just seeking to be free.
...Society wants Barakah to be hitched and mating, But he and Bibi face obstacles even dating ...
Viggo's Ben: Unconventional Pappa to a big brood Teaches them: life skills, book-smarts, hunting food. To keep them he'll have to fight, In this film that's a delight. Strong cast (including an eccentric little dude).
...Here, the inimitable Miss Panti Bliss Expertly calls out those who dismiss Or obstruct the fights For LGBT human rights. A doco both important and fun - not one to miss.
...Father and daughter, with unique ways of showing affection In this wonderful film that says a lot about connection. Deliciously bizarre (in ways various), Engrossing, hilarious. So much to love, and Olympic-grade eyeroll perfection!
...Films travelling (each time to at town or small city) ...
Good doco. Shows that when films are burned or tossed Valuable cultural heritage is lost. Given the Taliban's abhorrent behaviours, These Afghan film saviours Are so brave: as there's a risky personal cost.
...A working life, not that of the leisured. This driver's words should be treasured. Beauty in the routine, A treat on the screen: A gorgeous, graceful film - calm and measured.
...Despite terrific performances, there's also a problem here. Where in Vallée's efforts to make the metaphors clear ...
A terrifying look at the insidious world of cyber infection That's getting harder in terms of detection, Including viruses so malicious. Gibney's slick and ambitious Doco highlights the difficulty of gaining protection.