Young Lee came from working class roots,
Began apprenticing on Savile Row suits.
Along came adulation and fame …
We learn the cost of the game
In this beautiful executed study of McQueen’s pursuits.
Young Lee came from working class roots,
Began apprenticing on Savile Row suits.
Along came adulation and fame …
We learn the cost of the game
In this beautiful executed study of McQueen’s pursuits.
They’re less than stellar students, these four college guys
Who have an audacious plan (yes, it’s clearly unwise).
Riveting incarnations
Of crazy situations
Where twelve mil of rare books are the prize.
Teacher Lisa’s tasked with guiding a class of young minds.
She becomes intensely obsessed when she finds
A wordsmith genius (little fella).
Sevak & Gyllenhaal’s work: stellar.
It’s complexly unsettling as boundary adherence unwinds.
Yes, the ridiculous premise requires disbelief suspension,
But there’s laughs re: Duncan giving over-the-top attention
To Tucker’s short, faded career.
Hawke’s clearly having fun here.
A slight, but enjoyable tale (with themes of reinvention).
A deceptively simple setup: a day’s road trip for a son and dad
(Delivering invitations). There’s piles of obligatory food to be had
(Such generous hospitality conventions).
Familial love and long-held tensions
Are beautifully drawn out. Exquisite balance of the joyous and the sad.
Cameron’s SSA has been labelled a perversion,
So she’s sent to soul-destroying gay conversion
Therapy (with poison teachings of hate).
The central performances are great.
Often restrained (I'd like to have seen more resistance/aversion).
A gentle love, and the bigotry hits them like a mallet.
Violence, gossip and politics (upcoming ballot).
Though at times the story’s slight,
The film excels visually (use of light,
Plus a gorgeously joyous colour palette).
Moving stories of seriously ill patients and their agonising waits
For much-needed donor organs. But tragically, the rates
Of donation are dangerously low.
Hopefully this excellent doco will go
A long way towards more awareness, leading to healthy fates.
Three brothers meet, and it feels like they’re tripping.
Into their backstory director Wardle begins chipping.
They’re an extraordinary triplet gang.
On each development we hang,
As we follow a mind-blowing journey that’s utterly gripping.
Ms Murad’s life changes (devastatingly, and not by choice).
Giving her harrowing testimony, into the limelight she’s hoist.
So unimaginably brave
After sufferings so grave.
A superbly directed film, further elevating a vital voice.
Film directors of note are being beheaded.
Now, you’d think such a fate would be dreaded.
But Hasan, with ego extended
Is super-offended.
Dark humour and pathos nicely wedded.